
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Imagination Playground Imagined

As luck would have it, my visit to the Imagination Playground in New York would require me to use my imagination. We arrived shortly after it had closed for the day, and it's surrounded by a pretty significant fence. It also looked like a portion of it is under renovation.

What immediately struck me is that the park really isn't that big, but it's designed in a way to have a significant number of features, and the space is made 'larger' through ground level and elevated components. That in combination with a supervised loose-parts play system would create a pretty good play and experimentation experience. Too bad I had to imagine what it looks like in practice.

I've included some photos below, but you'll need to find other photos online to see the whole thing in practice. We also have an earlier blog post that dealt with the concept behind the 'loose parts' and the imagination playground: Imagination Playground Post.

Our photos:

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